Are you bored of the builder grade white cabinets in your kitchen and bathrooms? SAME. Unfortunately, I do not yet have the funds to do a full kitchen and bathroom remodel so cheaper DIY options will do for now.
I decided I would love a warm wood look for my cabinets. After lots of research, I purchased the light Retique It wood paint off of Amazon along with this wood bristle brush.
Here's how I took these white builder grade cabinets from this...

To this...

Supplies Needed
Wood Bristle Brush (other options depending on the print you want!)
Wood stain of your choice - I used the Varathane Golden Oak
Tan Paint - Example with primer already in it!
Clean the cabinets
Prime then paint the cabinets any sort of light beige/ tan color that will be the base. I used Spanish sand by Behr since I had extra but I linked a comparable option above
Apply 2-3 coats of the liquid wood Retique it paint using the wood bristle brush (dries very fast!)
Once dry, put on your gloves and mask and apply your choice of wood stain directly on the dried liquid wood.
Lastly, make sure to seal it! My go to is polycrylic linked in the supplies.
Enjoy and comment how it works for you!!